Parsers VC - Weekly Funding/Startup/VC news of February 13, 2024

Weekly VC News. Hiring. Funding rounds Week of Feb. 6 - Feb. 12: United States (52), United Kingdom (6), Switzerland (4)

Innovative Surge: This Week’s Startup Funding Highlights

This week in the startup ecosystem, we witnessed a flurry of activities across diverse sectors, ranging from innovative wearable streaming platforms to groundbreaking AI applications in manufacturing and healthcare. ActionStreamer, a Cincinnati-based company specializing in wearable live-streaming technology, secured a substantial $2.4 million in Series A funding, emphasizing the growing interest in immersive sports and entertainment experiences. Adroit Trading Technologies from Stamford, Connecticut, announced a $15 million Series A investment, showcasing the fintech sector’s ongoing evolution with advanced investment management solutions.

Meanwhile, Aizon, an AI software provider focusing on the pharmaceutical manufacturing sector, closed a significant $20 million Series C funding round. This investment highlights the critical role of AI and data analytics in enhancing efficiency within highly regulated industries. In the medical technology space, Ambience Healthcare, a clinical generative AI startup, raised an impressive $70 million in Series B funding. This funding underscores the increasing importance of AI in revolutionizing healthcare documentation and patient care.


Hi: Different opportunities to be available soon in the following areas:

  • Programming/developers (mobile app - web)

  • UI/UX design

  • Product roles

  • Manager roles

  • Internships, part time and full-time jobs.

Other profiles and similar areas could become available. Startup is working on a Social Networking app. DM me if interested. Thanks.

Hey there, a long message by the way

I hope this text finds you well! We are building a scalable and potentially lucrative digital business company, and I believe I’m here to recruit some really inspired people in to the team who have long sight ! People who are mastering in various aspects like marketing, viral marketing, graphic design, management, tech development, financial management can reach out to me ! Text me for being a part of the team and get a share in the company.

The vision for this venture is ambitious: we're aiming to create a platform that could potentially earn millions, you can reach out to us for more information and I'm thrilled about the possibilities ahead.

However, I want to be transparent upfront: as a zero-investment platform, I won't be able to offer financial compensation for your work.

We work daily on a lot of ways to make this project come true , as we are a group of ambitious guys with no money to invest, just like you. Instead of waiting for some investor to invest funds to start the work , we actually are building a community for building companies with almost zero money and a lot of friends who would help us.

We work on the basis of shareholding. So we pay you for your work by offering shares in the company.

I truly believe we would all work together and make this scalable.

The founder for these projects and ventures is a talented and a busy guy

he was doing all these work on his own, we built and bootstrapped a Saas company before for thousands of dollars , but now we are planning on making a big company which would really be scalable to all world and would be highly profitable.

What I can promise, though, is an opportunity to be a part of something significant from the ground up. I'm committed to ensuring that your efforts are valued and respected.

If you're passionate about innovation, entrepreneurship, and wanna do something big and maybe earn a lot while others of your age are just passing time , I'd love to have you on board. Let's join forces, pool our talents, and build something extraordinary together.

Please feel free to reach out if you're interested or have any questions. I'm looking forward to the possibility of working together and creating something truly remarkable.

Btw I’m the co founder for this project, the founder and the executive for this project would be happy to have you on the team !

Warm regards

Looking for a Co-founder who can code. Potential equity

Looking for a new job 🚀

😎 Hello everyone! 🤝

I'm a passionate full-stack developer with over 8 years of experience in web development.

I specialize in front-end and back-end development with expertise in latest frameworks and technologies.

💎Blockchain & Cryptocurrency:

Blockchain, Crypto, Solidity, Smart Contracts, NFTs, Web3.js, Ether.js, DeFi, DApps.

💎Web Development:

JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Vue.js, Next.js, Nuxt.js, Svelte.js.

MaterialUI, TailwindCSS, Bootstrap.

GraphQL and Apollo for API interaction.

💎Backend Development: Node.js, Express.js, PHP, Laravel, Python, Django, Go, Golang, Rust

💎Database Management: MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL

💎Cloud Services: AWS, DigitalOcean, Heroku

I am always open to new challenges and opportunities to apply my skills and expertise.

If you are looking for a skilled full-stack developer with a history of completing projects, please DM me any time.

Looking forward to the opportunity to work together!

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115 funding rounds in United States, United Kingdom, Switzerland etc

Funding rounds in United States

  • ActionStreamer Raises $2.4M Series A Round  See more

  • Adroit Trading Technologies Raises $15M Series A Round  See more

  • Aizon Raises $20M Series C Round  See more

  • Ambience Raises $70M Series B Round  See more

  • Arglass Raises $230M  See more

  • Attentive Raises $7M  See more

  • AVNOS Raises $36M Series A Round  See more

  • Cascading AI (YC S23) Raises $3.9M Pre-Seed Round  See more

  • ClosingLock Raises $12M Series A Round  See more

  • Colossyan Raises $22M  See more

  • Cosmic Aerospace Raises $4.5M  See more

  • Daedalus Raises $21M Series A Round  See more

  • DASI Simulations Raises $5M  See more

  • DataroomHQ Raises $3.5M  See more

  • DeepLook Medical Raises $1.7M  See more

  • Device Authority Raises $7M Series A Round  See more

  • Elemind Technologies, Inc. Raises $12M Seed Round  See more

  • Essence App Raises $600K  See more

  • Ezra Raises $21M  See more

  • finally Raises $10M  See more

  • FormLogic Raises $20M  See more

  • GigaStar Raises $3M  See more

  • DDOT Raises $34M Grant Round  See more

  • Unlearn.AI Raises $50M Series C Round  See more

  • Kin Insurance Raises $15M  See more

  • Klas Raises $1M  See more

  • LimaCharlie Raises $10.2M Series A Round  See more

  • Mechanical Orchard Raises $24M  See more

  • Nasdaq Private Market Raises $62.4M Series B Round  See more

  • Nauticus Robotics, Inc. Raises $12M  See more

  • Neurona Therapeutics Raises $120M  See more

  • Nibiru Raises $12M  See more

  • NinjaOne Raises $2B Series C Round  See more

  • Odyssey Elixir Raises $6M  See more

  • Overflow Raises $20M Series B Round  See more

  • Polycam Raises $18M  See more

  • Procyrion Raises $57.7M Series E Round  See more

  • ProducePay Raises $38M Series D Round  See more

  • Prosal Raises $1.58M Seed Round  See more

  • Rain App USA Raises $300M  See more

  • Rivia Health Raises $3.25M Seed Round  See more

  • Shepherd Raises $13.5M Series A Round  See more

  • Starship Technologies Raises $90M  See more

  • Stellar Sleep Raises $6M  See more

  • Subscribili Raises $4.3M Seed Round  See more

  • Suma Wealth Raises $2.2M  See more

  • Synaptec Raises $8.18M  See more

  • Synthetaic Raises $15M  See more

  • Thea Energy Raises $20M Series A Round  See more

  • Vektor Medical, Inc. Raises $16M Series A Round  See more

  • Vero Biotech Raises $65M  See more

  • ZEDEDA, Inc. Raises $72M  See more

Funding rounds in United Kingdom

  • AudioStack Raises $3.15M Seed Round  See more

  • docStribute Raises $1.03M Seed Round  See more

  • PulmoBioMed Raises $1.76M  See more

  • Screendragon Raises $27M  See more

  • wrapmate Raises $16M  See more

  • Zetta Genomics Raises $2.27M Seed Round  See more

Funding rounds in Switzerland

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